Cultivation examples

Different yields that can be harvested from 2000 m² are shown. For example, 2500 kg of green beans in France, 8500 kg of potatoes in Germany, 2200 kg of avocados in Cyprus or 8500 kg of carrots in Finland.

How much can be grown on 2000 m²?

It’s unbelievable just how much can be grown on 2000 m²!

Tonnes of avocados, tomatoes, cabbage, wheat and potatoes. Definitely more than you could ever eat in a year. However, yields vary greatly depending on the location, the wea-ther in a given year and the type of cultivation. For example, tomatoes have the highest yields in northern countries, where cultivation takes place in greenhouses and is there-fore no longer so dependent on the season. However, most tomatoes in Europe come from Italy and Spain.

Very high yields per square metre are often the result of a particularly high use of energy, artificial fertilisers, pesticides and irrigation: growing as much as possible, in as little space as possible, is not necessarily good for the environment!