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Global Bean Seed Festival 2023

Save the date: 22.04.2022

This year, we make our Global Bean seed festival very special: several partners in the network will celebrate and exchange legumes on the same afternoon in different places in Europe. We warmly invite you to join the festivities online and visit our seed festival happening in Greece, Albany, Germany, Ethiopia, France, Austria, Spain…

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Legumes in community catering

Public canteens are often, especially in schools, considered a mere cost item in the budget of a municipality or a company. Instead, collective catering can have an important educational value, a significant health impact and be a driver for the development of local sustainable agriculture. Legumes …

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Summer cooking with lentils!

On July 14th, though it was already hot in most of our regions, Claudia from heldenküche fired up our kitchens! She brought in her good mood and energy right from the moment she welcomed the participants, from all over the world – Germany, South Korea, the …

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The Global Bean: In the Show Gardens!

What do chickpea seedlings look like? What new technique could I try to establish my beans next year? How do other gardeners grow my favorite legume crop in a completely different climate? How can I multiply my own seeds? If you are curious about the diversity of legumes, join us for a garden tour through Europe and maybe beyond.

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