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Whitmuir Farm 2000 m² food for one year

Whitmuir Farm 2000 m² polytunnel in June – harvesting in full flow.

Every person on the planet has 2000m2 of arable ground to grow food.
Whitmuir Community Farm is an organic farm in Scotland. Local communities can come see what 2000 m² looks like and what we can grow on it here in Scotland. 377 community volunteers and 495 school children and teachers have taken part and counting…

“Wild at Whitmuir 2000 m²- families hunt for mini beasties at Whitmuir Farm 2000 m² plot with the Edinburgh Zoo’s “Wild About Scotland bus”.”

Master beekeeper Brian Pool shares why bees are so important to our plot

Together on the Whimuir Farm 2000 m² project we are:

• Helping grow the vegetables outside on the 2000 m² plot and in our polytunnels;
• Starting up a new rural food waste collection for recycling and composting;
• Teaching how to cook seasonally and use leftovers;
• you can learn about pickling and preserving…all reducing food waste
We’re aiming to save 30 Tonnes of carbon over a year.
We’re also working with West Linton and Newlands Primary School communities.

Food Waste Assembly with local primary school – sharing that “Scotland throws away 566,000 tonnes of food and drink from our homes every year and most of this could have been eaten” – WRAP, photo: Jacek Hubner

Whitmuir Community Farm 2000m2 project, photo: Nathalie Holbrook

Come and join us! Anyone who is interested can come along and help grow the produce. In exchange volunteers get to share the lovely harvest!

Find more information on the project’s leaflet.

To get in touch: email Kate Orchard at:

Follow on Facebook
and visit the Whitmuir Community Farm website
and the Farm website.

Funded by the Climate Challenge Fund, part of Keep Scotland Beautiful.

Planting out brassicas in June, photo: Nathalie Holbrook

Harvested by West Linton School, photo: Nathalie Holbrook

Photos by Nathalie Holbrook, Jacek Hubner and others provided by Whitmuir Farm.