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Local legume initiatives in Europe
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Hier findet ihr Neuigkeiten rund ums Global Bean Projekt! Die Artikel sind in “broken English”, als gemeinsame Sprache, verfasst. Für die meisten Beteiligten ist Englisch nicht die Muttersprache, also keine Angst!
Am 15. November findet die nächste Veranstaltung statt. Thema ist: Europäische Initiativen die die erfolgreich zum Ernährungssystem der Zukunft…
Yearly Global Bean Cooking Event
September event: Produce your own Seeds!
Check out the Global Bean knowledge hub!
Beans at the open-house day of the Ministry for Environment
Heat wave impacts legume yields in India
Cecilia from the Global Bean team at Slow Beans
Global Bean partners: Nikos Dompazis
Drought equals lower legume yields in Germany?
There is no denying that 2022 has been a particularly dry year.
However, for most field crops like pulses, it can be positive to have “dry weather” at the end of the crop cycle for example. Did legume yields suffer from the drought? What parameters are the ones impacting legumes? What are the means to adapt legume cultivation to the drought in Europe?