Weltacker Landshut
The Weltacker Landshut – the eleventh worldwide and the first in Bavaria – is operated by Weltacker Landshut e.V. Founded in 2020, the non-profit association has been cultivating the Weltacker on Untere Auenstraße in Landshut-Schönbrunn, behind the Agricultural Education Center and Landshut University of Applied Sciences, since 2021.

Since then, many volunteer hours have been spent creating and maintaining the Global Field and the first educational program has been developed. On 2000 m² you can see the diversity of arable plants in global agriculture. The Landshut team wants to infect visitors with their enthusiasm for this project and raise people’s consumer awareness. Thanks to funding from “Education for Sustainable Development” (ESD) and as a partner in the Landshut MINT cluster (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences, technology), it is now possible to make the message of the Weltacker known to school children, youth groups and adults through a wide range of workshops and guided tours.

With donations from the Postcode Lottery, we were able to build a good infrastructure on the world field, which enables us to hold a wide range of workshops protected from rain and strong sunlight and well-equipped with tools. Nevertheless, the project still depends on the voluntary work of the association’s board, field helpers and supporters in the organization and educational work.