Ernährungsfeld Vaduz, Liechtenstein
The Ernährungsfeld (field of nutrition) Vaduz contributes to raising awareness in the areas of nutrition and agriculture. The focus here is on raising public awareness, on close networking between the stakeholders in Vaduz, and on the production of special foodstuffs.

The field of nutrition offers concrete links to the sustainability strategy of the municipality of Vaduz. Specifically, the project aims to raise awareness of healthy and climate-friendly nutrition and enable the development of marketable new and rediscovered agricultural products. At the same time, a platform for overarching projects between science (university), business (agriculture and tourism), civil society (associations), education (schools, adult education) and the public sector is to be provided. Interfaces with ongoing pilot projects of the municipal administration (‘sustainable nutrition’ and ‘recreation zones outside the centre’) and in particular with ‘Lokal+Fair’ are to be established and further developed:
- The small-scale cultivation of various types and special varieties of cereals, legumes, root crops, oilseeds and vegetables.
- Locally grown food is available in farm shops, from retailers and from restaurants in Vaduz.
- New, resource- and climate-friendly cultivation methods are being tested and the resulting experience is being made available to farmers. The Vaduz agricultural enterprises are actively involved in the project.
- The Haberfeld site has an above-average biodiversity, which is being deliberately promoted with a variety of food plants and carefully selected biodiversity elements.
- The population is included through various attractive educational offers and information events for community schools and for interested consumers. A demonstration field with a unique and attractive cultural diversity for Liechtenstein forms the basis for this.
- Various events are held on a regular basis, planned and implemented together with local stakeholders.

The Vaduz field of nutrition at a glance
Location: Haberfeld Vaduz
Manager: Heike und Christian Konrad, Neufeldhof Vaduz
Crops on 1.2 hectares: potatoes, peas, soya, lupins, sunflowers, popcorn maize, flake wheat, spelt, durum wheat, emmer, einkorn wheat, sweet potatoes, flower strips (2024)
Product reference: Hofladen Neufeldhof
Expert support and contact: Dr. Florian Bernardi (Klaus Büchel Anstalt)
Further information
Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie Vaduz 2030
lokal+fair Vaduz
Naturpark Haberfeld Vaduz