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SpeiseGut: Berlin’s official 2000m² field

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Here comes Germany’s first official 2000m² field! Join us for a closer look at another ‘real’ field outside…

The field is located in Berlin and part of a farm known as SpeiseGut (a play on words meaning “dine well” or “origin of dishes/meals”). SpeiseGut runs a number of projects which support regional, ecological and responsible agriculture. Their main project however is the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) scheme which delivers fresh products to most districts in Berlin.

The farm is run by Christian Heymann, a trained farmer who worked in organic cultivation for 15 years. Our beautiful field is right beside the river Havel and surrounded by various fruit trees.

Christian and the ARC2020 team have just started setting up the field. These days we are discussing what and how much of it to grow there. As always we are curious for your feedback and ideas!

2000m2 blog post de2Find more on SpeiseGut here.

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