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Klima, Kuh & Du

14/12/2021 @ 18:00 – 19:30 – Alle tierischen Produkte, die mit Futtermitteln vom Acker produziert werden, sind gleich schlecht für unser Klima, oder? In unserem neuen Online-Seminar gehen wir gemeinsam mit der Landwirtin Julia Bar-Tal und Steffi Doll dieser Frage nach. Sie wird aus ihrer Erfahrung berichten und zeigen, dass die Kuh kein Klimakiller sein muss, wenn wir sie denn entsprechend […]

Soup & Talk – Food and Farming Slam

22/01/2022 @ 17:00 – 20:00 – Die neuesten Innovationen und Aktionen für faire und ökologische Ernährung und Landwirtschaft im 5-Minuten-Takt, anschließend Vertiefen und Vernetzen im kleinen Kreis. The latest innovative and inspiring inititatives and actions for fair and agroecological food systems transformation – 5 minutes per pitch and networking in breakout rooms thereafter. English & German Translation available – mit deutscher […]

Global Bean – Grand Opening

27/01/2022 @ 17:00 – 18:00 –   Join us for the grand opening of the Global Bean Project – presenting our legume manifesto, our seed, gardening & cooking plans and our great partners from around Europe! Language: Easy English More details Mehr Details auf Deutsch You can follow us on Instagram here! Very much looking forward to seeing you! Lisa, Benny, […]


10/02/2022 @ 17:00 – 18:00 –   Join us for the second monthly meeting of the Global Bean Project this year! Patrick Kaiser (Genbänkle e.V.) will walk you through the fascinating bean diversity.  Language: Easy English More details Any questions? Get in touch with Lisa Hoffmann via


02/03/2022 @ 17:00 – 20:00 –   On March 2nd we invite you to join our trans-european seed festival that will concentrate on how to save and cultivate legume seed. From 5 to 8 pm there will be a lot of storytelling on seed saving and exchange, there will be films, instructions and presentations, breakout groups for discussions and specialities and […]


24/03/2022 @ 17:00 – 18:00 –     Mix it! Advantages and examples of legume mixtures  Visit the event landing page. For any questions please contact Lisa Hoffmann via Find out more about the Global Bean project and its 40 partners from 15 countries Language: Easy English

GLOBAL BEAN MONTHLY MEETING: Intercropping – the power of plant collaboration

21/04/2022 @ 17:00 – 18:00 –    Find out further information about the event here For any questions please contact Lisa Hoffmann via Find out more about the Global Bean project and its 40 partners from 15 countries Language: Easy English

GLOBAL BEAN MONTHLY MEETING: Legumes and the hunger crisis

19/05/2022 @ 17:00 – 18:00 –    Visit the event landing page. For any questions please contact Lisa Hoffmann via Find out more about the Global Bean project and its 40 partners from 15 countries Language: Easy English


23/06/2022 @ 17:00 – 18:00 –    Bonus: 20 additional minutes are planned after the dedicated one hour, for more questions, sharing tips and learning about each other’s gardens! Visit the event landing page For any questions please contact Lisa Hoffmann via Find out more about the Global Bean project and its 40 partners from 15 countries Language: Easy English

GLOBAL BEAN MONTHLY MEETING – Summer cooking with lentils!

14/07/2022 @ 17:00 – 18:30 –   Find further information on the event page. Language: Easy English For any questions please contact Lisa Hoffmann via Find out more about the Global Bean project and its 50 partners from 15 countries