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Our Global Field in Berlin

Foto: Volker Gehrmann

If we were to divide the global surface of arable land by the number of people on the planet, we would each get 2000m². For more than 3 years we have been growing the global field in Berlin. On 2000m² we are planting a representation of the global situation of arable land.

In 2017, our 2000m² field was  part of the International Garden Exhibition (IGA) and the IGA-Campus for young people and children. Plenty of visitors, school classes and gardeners from all over the world came to see our field.

In 2018 we will move to the Botanischer Volkspark Blankenfelde-Pankow. We would be delighted if you came to visit us!

If you want to know more about the project and our Events on the field, just sign up for our Newsetter! (But only if you speak German)

War and hunger

As we watch the horrific war in Ukraine in disbelief and helplessness, the next global catastrophe is looming: Exploding energy and commodity prices meet reduced production of wheat, corn and oil crops. This could lead to a global, regionally catastrophic food crisis. The fact that energy …

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A visit from Beijing

Eminent visitors on the weekend: Professors Li Yue and Dong Hongmin (surname before first name is the rule in China) from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing completed their four-day study trip on climate and agriculture organized by the German-Chinese Agricultural Center after visits …

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Soup & Talk nach “Wir haben es satt!”

„Soup & Talk“ ist, wenn sich 150 bis 200 erschöpfte und ein wenig durchgefrorene Jugendliche aller Altersgruppen wohlig auf dem geheizten Fußboden der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung niederlassen und sich im 5-Minuten-Takt von ihren Taten und Träumen erzählen. Es war mal wieder ein grosses Fest der Ideen und Projekte, …

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ASA Interns 2018

As part of the ASA program, 4 young people from Kenya, India, Switzerland and Germany have the chance to participate in the Global Field project. During a total of 6 months, we will try to understand how the 2000m² Project is implemented in Germany and also …

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