Partners and sponsors

The work of Weltacker Schweiz is possible thanks to the following funding partners and partner organizations. The listed funding partners for the educational sites enable the implementation of the three educational programs on the Global Fields.

Main funding partners

Funding partners for educational sites

Partner organizations


Do you find the association Weltacker Schweiz meaningful and want to support us? We appreciate every contribution and are happy to talk to you. Please contact us at

Why donate or contribute here? Because, as a holistic network, we offer donors an integral and innovative framework for direct, regional and effective philanthropy. We provide a wide range of opportunities for actio, various forms of contributions, and are happy to develop tailor-made creative options as well.

The Swiss association “Verein Weltacker Schweiz” is a tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations of CHF 100 or more are tax-deductible.

Bank details for Verein Weltacker Schweiz
Freie Gemeinschaftsbank
IBAN: CH83 0839 2000 1559 2531 8
Clearing No. of the bank: 8392